CPB CSG Stations: Your 2018 SAS and Annual Webinar Requirement
It’s that time of year to prepare for completion of the annual Station Activity Survey and annual webinar per your Community Service Grant (CSG) agreement. Here are some important notes to know:
2018 Station Activity Survey (SAS)
The SAS is an annual questionnaire required for completion by CSG stations. In addition to providing CPB with information about station public broadcasting stations used to advocate to Congress for public broadcasting, the SAS data is used to calculate your Community Service Grant amount for the next fiscal year.
Stations must complete and submit the 2018 SAS to CPB through your ISIS portal by February 15, 2019.
Stations are able to file for a 30-day extension for the SAS through their ISIS portal. HOWEVER, note that CPB WILL NOT release your station’s second payment for FY2019 CSGs until both the FY2018 Annual Financial Report (AFR) or Financial Summary Report (FSR), and the 2018 SAS have been received for your station.
To complete the 2018 SAS, visit the CPB website at https://www.cpb.org/stations/sas/.
Annual Webinar Trainings
Each year, CSG stations are required to complete TWO separate trainings per their CSG agreement:
Annual Webinar Requirement
A CPB hosted compliance webinar training on one of the following topics: financials, NFFS, or completing the FSR. Stations can always find information for upcoming trainings and registration on the CPB site athttps://www.cpb.org/station-resource/csg-and-isis-training-opportunities. Upcoming trainings are also provided below.
Introduction to Financial Reporting to CPB
Wednesday, January 30, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (NOTE: The times noted below are in Eastern Standard Time.)
What is NFFS?
Wednesday, February 6, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET (NOTE: The times noted below are in Eastern Standard Time.)
Completing the FSR
Wednesday, February 13, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET (NOTE: The times noted below are in Eastern Standard Time.)
Due to the limited number of compliance webinar trainings provided by CPB, stations are highly encouraged to register for and attend one of the following trainings that will fulfill this requirement.
Harassment Prevention Training
The Harassment Prevention Training, which became a new and second annual training requirement for CSG stations starting FY2018. For more information and to register for this training, visit the CPB Harassment Prevention Training Program webpage at https://www.cpb.org/stations/harassment-prevention-program